In order to nearly eliminate the solids sent down the drain when brewing, all you need is a super sack grain bag and a plastic drum. Foundation Brewing Company demonstrates this innovation, which can be replicated anywhere.
Video highlighting side-streaming and wastewater pretreatment technologies
Explores how brewery waste impacts public wastewater systems and provides guidelines for pretreatment, permitting, and compliance.
Presentation slides addressing wastewater management challenges in breweries and highlighting treatment methods and best practices for reducing environmental impacts.
Case Study: Newport Craft Brewing & Distilling Company
Discusses Newport Brewing's participation in a study to reduce wastewater discharge through Best Management Practices (BMPs) aimed at reducing BOD, TSS, and nutrient loads
Best Management Practices and Wasteload Reduction
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) worked with Rhode Island craft breweries to study the effectiveness of brewhouse best management practices (BMPs) for reducing wastewater loadings. Below are case studies of findings:
Case Study: Beer'd Brewing Company
Highlights the brewery's efforts to implement best management practices to reduce wastewater pollutants and lower business costs
Case Study: Great Falls Brewing Company
Describes how this CT brewery improved sustainability through energy efficiency and waste reduction measures
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